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Tenant update: Wales firebreak lockdown

20 Oct 2020


Wales Firebreak image with United Welsh and Celtic Horizons logos
Following the Welsh Government update of a firebreak lockdown across Wales to commence from 6pm on Friday 23rd October – Monday 9th November, this Covid-19 update is about United Welsh services for tenants during this period.

As ever, our priority is to protect the health and safety of you, your family, and our people. We will continue to closely follow Government advice and keep you updated about our services.

Repairs, maintenance and home safety checks

During the firebreak period, non-urgent repairs that were booked to take place inside properties will be postponed. If you had a non-urgent repair booked, the Celtic Horizons team will be in touch to let you know a new date for the repair soon.

Planned maintenance inside homes is also postponed.

You will still see our operatives in your communities however as emergency and urgent repairs within homes and home safety checks such as gas and electrical testing will continue. This will be carried out with precautions in place for you and the Celtic Horizons team, and in line with Welsh Government guidance

Work within empty homes and work that can be carried out safely outdoors (such as outside property maintenance and grounds work) will also continue.

To find out more about the safety precautions Celtic Horizons will follow during the firebreak period to stay covid-safe, please watch our safety film here.

Allocations, lettings and mutual exchanges

We are continuing to hold virtual viewings for people to see prospective homes.

New tenancies are also being signed remotely so that people can move safely without face-to-face contact.

Mutual exchanges are postponed until after the firebreak period.

Thrive tenants

For tenants receiving support services, please be reassured that we are still here to help and will continue to support you virtually and with social distancing precautions in place, as we have been during these past months.

Safety checks of Thrive accommodation, such as fire alarm testing, will continue.

New property defect visits

For our new build homes, defect property inspections that were due to take place during the firebreak period have been postponed. If this affects you, our team will be in touch to rearrange the appointment to take place safely once the firebreak is over.

Rent payments

It is important that you continue to pay your rent, which you can do through the normal channels. Please talk to us if you are struggling or if you need support to change your payment method.

Meeting and contacting us

Meetings to discuss your tenancy or community issues continue to be held by phone or video call.

While our main office in Caerphilly remains closed, we are still here for you by phone, video call, email and webchat.

Time at home

With the return of a ‘stay at home’ lockdown during the fire break, it is very important to be respectful of neighbours during this time.

Please consider your neighbours when playing music for example and make sure it is not audible outside your home. If you live in a flat, please be aware that noise may travel so keep levels low.

What are the Welsh Government restrictions for the firebreak?

Welsh Government has introduced the firebreak lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus in Wales.

Similar to the national lockdown that started in March, people should stay at home and only leave their house for essentials such as buying the weekly shop, picking up medication, providing care and taking exercise.

People should also work from home unless it is not possible to do so.

Welsh Government has published the following FAQs that contain more detailed guidance about the firebreak.

Coronavirus symptoms

If you have symptoms of coronavirus, you must self-isolate immediately and get a test. Symptoms include:

  • A new continuous cough
  • High temperature
  • Loss of taste and / or smell

If you just feel slightly ‘under the weather’ with mild symptoms, please still arrange a quick, safe test.

Visit the gov.uk coronavirus page for details of how to book a test in your area.

Don’t suffer alone

If you are feeling isolated and in need of support, please contact us rather than suffer alone. Here is a list of useful resources for support services that can help during this difficult time.

Keeping in touch

Please continue to follow our website, Facebook and Twitter pages for the latest news on United Welsh services.